We intend to offer the participants a new body experience and a different perspective on movement through specific improvisation exercises that Virginia Negru has developed and perfected teaching CI in her weekly classes in Bucharest (2015-2018), intensive workshops in the Romania (Iasi, Brasov , Cluj, Timisoara, Craiova, Bistrita) and training artists (the PETEC team). Throughout the world, this form is practiced by both dancers and actors in order to improve their physical abilities, orientation in space, to develop the compositional, spontaneity and coherence of movements.

Workshop Content:

– basic elements of Contact Improvisation – Continuous change of center of gravity, rolling and other ways of moving the contact point, working with the force of gravity;

– biomechanical/ body geometry elements that naturally lead to lifting the partner; elements related to other somatic forms – BMC, Ideokinesis, Feldenkrais – the evolution of the body to the vertical position, images that influence and organize the movement, the study of walking;

– compositional elements of real-time space and time-inspired practice such as Viewpoints and Poetic Movement.