Axis Syllabus workshop with Irina Hortin
November 29, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – December 1, 2019 @ 9:00 pm
Osculation – a latin kiss and sophisticated spinal interplay
Linguistically deriving from the latin word for `kiss`, science uses the term osculation to describe a curve that comes close to another curve or a circle, metaphorically `kissing`or `hugging` it. In the ASIRN we adopt this idea to name the 3D lateral bending of a human spine – a movement homo sapiens inherited from our fish ancestor`s ondulation from side to side. So if fish are constantly hugging the water to propell themselves forward, we would be the species kissing the space around us while we move…
In this class we will take some glimpses into the spinal curves, the many joints and tiny muscles of the spine to sense into the sophisticated interplay they perform with our body as a whole. We will explore our spine`s strategies to manoeuvre us through space in the context of gravity – which is constantly informing our proprioceptive system about how to articulate and relate ourselves towards the ground and into space.
How can the spine assist our body to load it’s elastic tissue with recoil power to have an easier journey, be it dancing, walking or moving in our daily life?
During this research we will use hands-on assistance, (contact)improvisation and some set material to play with the information and to invite it into our own experience.
Axis Syllabus
The Axis Syllabus is a human movement lexicon that interrelates information from anatomy, biomechanics and physics to universal movement principles.
Originally consolidated by Frey Faust, the AS has become a movement and research platform for the ASIRN (Axis Syllabus International Research Network, Hailing from diverse areas of expertise, ASIRN members are exploring the kinetic potential of the human body and developing functional movement patterns beyond esthetic criteria. They are physically applying, exploring and counterchecking the data gathered in the AS and also introducing new empirical/scientific data to the group, which keeps the AS evolving constantly.
In AS classes certified teachers are fostering collaborative and explorative learning situations and propose models for a joyful way of moving in accordance with our body structure and it`s physical context.
As a reference for locomotion, The Axis Syllabus reflects on how we might move and dance in a health-promoting and respectful manner – both towards ourselves and others with whom we are sharing movement, time and space.
Irina Hortin ( studied contemporary dance, linguistics/literature and the Axis Syllabus. She works internationally as a freelance dancer, choreographer and teacher. Born in Rumania, she grew up in Germany, lived and learned in France, Argentina, Senegal and Switzerland. In Argentina she got in touch and involved with Tango, that is part of her path ever since. Currently based in Düsseldorf (Germany) she performs and teaches in Tanzhaus NRW, at international Contact(Tango)- and Improvisation Festivals and co-directs the project 1001Tropfen (, creating dance performances in nature and urban contexts. Irina is a member of the ASIRN and a certified Axis Syllabus teacher. Intrigued by the experience of heterogenity and the many facets of what humanity is, she is vividly interested in how human bodies communicate beyond language and how they resonate in each other and in our wider context – be it dancing or just being – and what it is that moves us.
(12 hrs)
Friday 29.11 —> 19:00 – 22:00
Saturday 30.11 —> 09:00 -12:00
Sunday 01.12 –> 14:00 – 17:00 & 18:00 – 21:00
Price :
Early Bird (until 10.11.2019) for 3 days —> 300 RON
Full Price for 3 days —> 350 RON
Contact Person: Simona Baciu
Phone: +40 745 289 064
See you on the dance floor !