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Contact improvisation with Virginia Negru, Smaranda Găbudeanu and Fabio Maria Gerhold (5-7 ani și 8-14 ani) @ Școala performativă pentru copii

December 9, 2019 @ 8:00 am 5:00 pm

The contact represents physicality, relationship with the floor, rolls, jumps, rolling, controlled falls, changing the level with the floor, but also the relationship with others and the inclusion of all senses in the process of generating movements. Improvisation refers to driving the speed of directing attention to what is happening in real time, in order to create compositions from spontaneous movements. Thus, in the course we will develop both motor skills and mental attitudes of concentration on what we do and trust in our own abilities to create the movements and compositions we want to create.
  Contact Improvisation involves improving motor skills and self-confidence. Through movement and physical contact, children develop a new form of communication and knowledge of their own body and its creative possibilities.

After a puppet-actor training, Smaranda Găbudeanu began her journey in comedy, opera shows, visual arts and performance, settling comfortably in the last years. The interest for improvisation – itself or regarded as a creative technique – has been maintained all along the way, taking various forms, from theater improvisation to real time composition in contemporary dance frames and contact improvisation. Smaranda has led numerous workshops and classes in acting, puppet management, dance, shadows, storytelling or own formats that combine several arts in Bucharest, Brasov, Wroclaw and Genoa. He is a founding member of PETEC and a collaborator of the National Center for Dance and Nottara, Creangă and Excelsior theaters.

Fabio Maria has an eclectic and international background, with studies of philosophy, international relations and history. He works as a freelancer in education and training, marketing, PR and performance. He is currently preparing with Jean-Lorin Sterian the video performance “Singuri At Home” and collaborates with the Austrian Tourism Office on cultural and PR projects. He discovered the practice of contact improvisation and followed it passionately, at festivals such as Contact Bucharest Festival, Dancefulness Kiev, Snowsurf Contact Festival (Ukraine). He is part of the group of teachers who hold the weekly courses and jam sessions for adults and participates as a dancer in Free improvisation dates.
  Fabio is inspired and motivated by performing dance, somatic, innovation in education and architecture.

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Centrul Național al Dansului București

Bd. Mărășești Nr.80
București, Sector 4 România
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