SCHOOL OF HEART – Dance and drawing camp for children
Why is this important?
Heart is the center of our being, heart is the center of love, heart is the center of compassion, heart is the center of connection, heart is the bowl of creation – its ways are the mystery which the children are practicing daily. However many of these ways are becoming unseen.
Therefore what we desire through the different means of expression like dance, painting, somatic practices and play is to encourage the existing to keep on existing, to encourage what children naturally do to keep on doing with an awareness of the body, of the other and an awareness of the connection between people and the potentialities that this carries.
Therefore what we want to bring into focus is simplicity: tending to the simple things that already exist in us and want to be expressed. Listening with care to what everybody has to say, expressing the artistic and creative which exists in all of us and paying attention to what is already on front of us.
What do we desire?
School of Heart aims to create and to offer an experimental, artistic and creative environment where children have the possibility to engage differently than they are normally used to.
The main fields of creation provided are dance with elements from contemporary dance, somatic practices, contact improvisation, poetry, painting/drawing – all combined in a unique program provided by experienced teachers.
We want to emphasize
– the importance of the body experience within the child’s growth.
– the importance of physical training, physical understanding and of experience.
– the importance of co-creation, where we don’t encourage competition but mutual support and compassion.
– coming back to nature. However, not as a visitor separated from it, but as a part who always belonged to it.
These are some of our main objectives and what the children will take with them.
Who are we?
We are a group of experienced people, artists and teachers with a lot of experience in the fields of dance (contact improvisation, contemporary dance), poetry, somatic practices and painting/drawing – therefore, our intention is to combine them into a coherent structure which allows the development and the expression of children to happen.
/Teachers within School of Heart:
Theo Trisca (RO)
Smaranda Gabudeanu (RO)
Anamaria Guguian (RO)
Lucia Marneanu (RO)
Olek Wojcik (IRL)
Miguel Silva (PRT)
_______________Activities Schedule _____________
Day 0
14 Iulie – Întâlnire / Meeting
Cercul de deschidere / Opening Circle
-> prezentarea şcolii, a programului şi a tuturor participanţilor / welcoming everyone, presenting the school and the program.
Day 1
- 9-10 Mic dejun / Breakfast
- 11-13:30 Corpul Natural/ Natural Body – Smaranda Gabudeanu (grupa 1) Puterea jocului / Power of play – Olek Wojcik (grupa 2)
- 14-15 Prânz / Lunch
- 16-18 Totul are o inimă / Everything has heart – Anamaria Guguian
- 19-20 Cină / Dinner
- 20-22 Gathering – Seară de poveşti şi jocuri Story Telling / Board games /
Day 2
- 9-10 Mic dejun / Breakfast
- 11-13:30 Corpul natural / Natural Body – Smaranda Gabudeanu (grupa 2) Puterea jocului/ Power of play – Olek Wojcik (grupa 1)
- 14-15 Prânz / Lunch
- 16-18 Desen în joacă/ Playful drawing – Lucia Marneanu
- 19-20 Cină/ Dinner
- 20-22 Clasa surpriza/ Surprise class – Miguel Silva (PRT)
Day 3
- 9-10 Mic dejun / Breakfast
- 11-13:30 Corpul Natural/ Natural Body – Smaranda Gabudeanu (grupa 1) Puterea jocului/ Power of play – Olek Wojcik (grupa 2)
- 14-15 Prânz / Lunch
- 16-18 Totul are o inimă/ Everything has heart – Anamaria Guguian
- 19-20 Cină/ Dinner
- 20-22 Gathering – Foc de tabară / Campfire Cântece în jurul focului / Jocuri
Day 4
- 9-10 Mic dejun/Breakfast
- 11-13:30 Corpul Natural/ Natural Body – Smaranda Gabudeanu (grupa 2) Puterea jocului / Power of play – Olek Wojcik (grupa 1)
- 14-15 Prânz/Lunch
- 16-18 Desen în joacă/ Playful drawing – Lucia Marneanu
- 19-20 Cină/Dinner
- 20-22 Seară de film / Movie time
Day 5
- 9-10 Mic dejun/Breakfast
- 11-13 Desen în joacă / Playful drawing – Lucia Marneanu
- 13:30-14:30 Prânz/Lunch
- 15-16 Cercul de închidere / Closing circle
- 16-19 Gătim împreună / Cooking together Intâlnire cu părinţii / Meeting the parents
/About us
Theo Trişcă (RO)
I dance Contact Improvisation, Butoh and Sufi Whirling, these are mai main fields of practice, of research and of self-discovery. Some of my main teachers and heart friends are Sasha Dodo (RU), Katreni Maticce (RU), Kea Tonetti (IT) and Virginia Negru (RO). Besides dancing I also write poetry as a way of living. Life and work for me cannot be separated.
After some years of experience within the educational system as an English teacher, after my experience as a tutor for a class where I developed together with some beautiful children, after our last activity of mural painting “Şcoala are inimă” together with the artist Lucia Mărneanu and my continuous research in dance and movement – School of Heart was naturally born.
Smaranda Găbudeanu (RO)
Based on her formal education in theatre acting and puppet theatre, Smaranda’s work unfolds in a trans/disciplinary perspective, integrating today different practices and disciplines.
The body/bodies and movement are at the core of all activities, both as the material and the perspective of investigation.
Her individual and collective work unfolds on a range of activities and covers almost all aspects of performing making: dancing, performing and choreographing as well as producing and mediating and curating platforms for other artist. She is a teacher in the performative school of the National Dance Center in Bucharest, collaborator with theatres, Notarra, Creangă and Excelsior.
She founded the independent company PETEC in 2013 that continues to be supported by national cultural authorities as well as a wide range of project-related partners. Rooted in the cultural and geopolitical context of Bucharest, Romania, the locality of the environment dialogues with artists and arts organizations internationally.
Anamaria Guguian (RO)
Is an independent artist, personal development coach, founder of the project I Dance You and organizer of cultural events for both for adults and children. In her work she is inspired by martial arts, dance therapy, contact improvisation and contemporary dance. Beginning with 2015 she teaches creative movement for children in Brasov. She likes to bring dance to as many places as possible and dance with people from various and eclectic environments.
Olek Wojcik (IRL)
Is a self-taught traveling performer and student of many flow arts. He left school to dedicate time in learning about the world from the experiences on his own skin and develop in poetic movement on the street, he began with the urban environment to construct lines of flow and challenges that enabled his adaptive skills to grow. He worked along a variety of artists to research influence in relation to the public and expand his skills of performance on the base of social interaction and improvisation.
Olek has a couple years of experience in teaching children, he coached gymnastics at a Northern Irish centre “Twisters gymnastics” and practiced his freestyle of movement recognised as “Freerunning” in the gym.
After leaving the Gymnastic centre he was employed by the local circus company called “In your space” where he facilitated movement and circus workshops for children of all ages.
Coaching has granted him with his technical eye and roots towards teaching his own explosive movement practise, containing many beneficial skills from a range of disciplines like parkour, capoeira, tumbling, slackline, juggling, dancing, contact improvisation, partner-acro and acrobatics.
He keeps travelling to learn, obtain and share knowledge from many different art forms he picks up on his way around the globe.
At the end of 2017 he volunteered to work with Syrian refugees and children affected by war in Mardin, Turkey through an association of Sirkhane “heryerdesanatdernegi”. Teaching many circus skills and social development to inspire children to play all together coming from different cultures, finding their similarities and respecting their differences that are defined strengths to find their ways of expression.
Olek has also trained and performed alongside of young Syrian bboy dancers and circus artists who have been training, teaching and performing for the association since they have arrived in Turkey in 2014, searching for a professional performance career and possibility to travel around the world to expand their skills through further education which is still their biggest border placed by the powers to be in their development. With the opportunity of his travel Olek has done some research in to the mixed culture, language, religion and views in the Region of Kurdistan mainly made up of Arabic, Iraqi, Syrian and Turkish people.
Lucia Mărneanu (RO)
Graduated from Art and Design University of Cluj-Napoca, in 2010. Her experience with children includes mural art workshops with children, “Dă culoare şcolii tale”, organized by Asociaţia Komunitas, and which focused on participatory art on human rights. She also did workshops to familiarize children with contemporary art, ArtAbecedar, at Fabrica de Pensule Cluj-Napoca. She illustrated books for children, “9 +1 poveşti cu mustăţi despre nişte hamsteri cu adevărat adevaraţi” (Voicu Bojan, ed. Aqua Forte, Cluj) and “Number Lane Tales or Multiplication Facts Made fun for Everyone” (Lica Marhao, ed. Artful Dragon Press, North Carolina).
Miguel Silva (PRT) – Guest Teacher
Is coming from Ibiza. He has a lot of experience in somatic practices and coaching.
He also has experience in the educational field. He worked for about 4 years in summer camps with children in Portugal, France and Italy with kayaking, climbing, hiking and mountaneering. In Ireland he worked for a community center with refugee kids from Africa and Pakistan.
/Details about accommodation and payment
>Accommodation is at Pensiunea La Ionel, Maguri-Racatau, Cluj.
The price of the camp will cover everything and will also include all the materials needed for the activities together with photos, T-shirts The School of Heart.
>The price for the camp is 250 Euro.
Maximum number of participants: 20
Ages: 11-15 years old.
*The languages used will be Romanian and English.
For any kind of information, registration and payment contact:
Theo Trişcă
0040 732 916 094
This project is supported by PETEC Association (Bucharest) and I Dance You (Brasov)