The show explores the collective imagery about life after death through different artistic media: contact improvisation, butoh dance, video art, musical improv, puppets and shadows.  

Sasha Dodo is a choreographer, director and russian poet who creates in his laboratories and performances a medium of improvisation that allow experiment and research. The choreographic material grows in a complex and abstract but well structured context. This approach gives a poetic and inovative touch to his works, fascinating for the audience as well as for the dancers.


choreographer: Sasha Dodo (Alexander Omelchenko)
dancers: Virginia Negru, Simona Baciu, Smaranda Găbudeanu
music by: Cătălin Diaconu (aka Archai)
video-art: Elena Muchnaya
costumes: Georgiana Gherghișan
stage design: Evgheni Pînzari, Alexandra Andrieș
light design: Sasha Dodo, Alexandros Raptis
lenght: 1h 15’
Produced by PETEC in 2017
performed at the National Dance Center, Point Art Hub, Bistrita Cultural Center