“Music Odyssey”

The theme of the workshop is the return of Ulysses to Itaca, this legend representing the pretext of a musical journey where children are actively involved. They are carefully stimulated to listen, to feel and to outline, with the help of various instruments, the sound environment of the narration. Musical Odyssey is an unprecedented opportunity to develop musical culture, artistic sense and communication and communication skills of children.

The legendary the hero Ulysses returns home.

Want to listen to Nip Calipso’s music or sing the sirens to lure them to the boats?

“Adventures of Perseus”

a workshop with George Turliu and Smaranda Găbudeanu

The story, inspired by the adventures of Perseus Greek hero, brings children closer to the amazing world of ancient myths and legends. Participants have to overcome the hero’s scores by moving games, bunraku and muppet puppets, and the use of lesser-known musical instruments: saddle (oriental mandolin), psalterium (miniature harp).