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Maybe This is Watched // jam performativ + muzică live

March 15, 2020 @ 4:00 pm 6:00 pm

Maybe This is Watched / Performative jam + live music

The dance begins when we look and are watched. To follow, to observe, is not a minor thing, it is perhaps the first ‘step’ towards movement. And the one who is watching is energizing this responsibility. He communicates through the body, his dance calls us to look at the world from a certain perspective, and because of the mirror-neurons the spectator ‘lives’ that dance inside. Only the desire, the context or the perception of the physical limits prevent him from being left alone. A child who looks at someone dancing soon starts doing something similar. It’s like some kind of everyday magic. We do not know exactly how it is possible but it is with us every day. Is there a moment when we stop doing this? When, although we feel the body resonates with / with the movements of another, do we resist it and refrain from these natural ripples?

One of the contexts in which we must remain in our place is the show. If we come to the viewer it is necessary to remain in this role, as neither can the artist give up his position in the middle of the show. Otherwise, a show as intended, could not take place. What if, however, we try to break this convention and ‘think’ or compose a show on the spot, moving us to the position of spectator, when to performer. Did I become a performance-director?

We propose this experiment in a semi-performative frame of real-time composition, or a jamsession-show, in which we invite you to be one at a time and a viewer and a dancer. Crossing (or not) several times these two interdependent realms, enjoying (or not) both perspectives, understanding (or not) the need to differentiate roles but also to cross borders. Everyone has the freedom to choose when and if the position or role changes.

Freedom is not an easy thing to do, but once we take it on, it gives us new perspectives on what we do.

You are free to dance! Do you receive or watch?


We believe that the freedom to choose can be exercised when we have a well-defined framework and not in nothing. And because we do not want to cancel the show convention, but only to propose another set of rules of performance practice, we invite you to consider the following details:

// Come 10 minutes ahead to change into light dance clothes if you want to dance and not just look.
// We will start by forming a circle or square by marking the edges of the room where we will remind the rules or other practical details.
// When you feel the desire / call to dance you enter the performing space (circle / square) respecting and contributing to the composition of that moment and considering that it is rather an artistic, public space and not a private space for individual or therapeutic expression. .
// From time to time, a certain sound that we will make known from the beginning, will mark the emptying of the perfromative space to find an end to the dance of that moment and to give us the opportunity to discover a new beginning.
// We will dance, perform, watch for an hour and a half after which we will announce the invitation to create together an end followed by a discussion with those who want to share impressions, thoughts, comments.


Virginia Black – facilitator / guide
Catalin Diaconu and Gabriel Negulescu – live music

Course price: 50 ron
Payment is made by purchasing the ticket on eventbook.ro

photo credit: Eugene Titov

Linotip – Centru independent Coregrafic

Str. Brezoianu 23-25
București, 030167 România
+ Google Map
0752 649 159

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